Friday, September 11, 2015

The art of data

I have recently taken an immense interest in the visualization of data. At my previous job, the amount of data I would get from studies and research we would conduct was far greater than my current employment. Now the number of participants are smaller, and there are few (at times, if any) metrics to utilize in analyses later conducted. This has left me in a huge funk with regards to getting to play around with Excel (and Matlab). Everyone seems to enjoy bar plots. Or worse, tables and reports. Nothing more intricate seems to be useful for anyone.

This leads me to my recent fascination with Network Visualization. The concept of the interconnectivity of just about anything intrigues me. Partly because my background in Neural Engineering, and partly because I am obsessed with the connections between species and complex organisms (including simple ones like bacteria). Network visualizations are beautiful and intriguing. And while they may not instantly help someone pick out a definite answer, they show that sometimes an easy answer just isn't available. There is beauty in the complexity of how the universe works.

Picture credits to Kimo Quaintance and LaNet-vi

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