Saturday, December 12, 2015

Year End Review

The year is coming to an end, there is a lot of reflecting to be done. While I am not a particularly nostalgic individual - I don't tend to look back that often - I do enjoy thinking of the past year and anticipating what is to come. I also like to review all of the promises I made to myself and see how many of them I actually accomplished. Honestly? Two years ago I would have undoubtedly concluded that most of my resolutions fell to the waste-side and I didn't really do anything I promised I would do.

This year, however, I managed to meet almost all of my 2015 resolutions. Here are the resolutions I made last year:

  1. Read (at least) one book
  2. Move more
  3. Dance more
  4. Grant a wish
  5. Check my car's engine
  6. Make more money
  7. Stay cool
  8. Keep warm
  9. Fall in love
  10. Take a risk
  11. Eat more sushi
  12. Write a book
  13. Sleep more soundly
  14. Be inspired
  15. Make an investment

It was a really long list. Of course, I wasn't going to be able to accomplish them all. It wasn't that I didn't try, but there are some (like falling in love) that don't just happen because you say they will happen. Sometimes life gets in the way, and things just don't go the way you expect them to. Regardless of that, there were several of them that I actually managed to do! Ten out of 15 is pretty damn good! Numbers 7 and 8 were kind of relative and not entirely concrete resolutions, whose success I could measure.

For 2016, I want to make some resolutions that I actually can measure the success of. Not quite sure where things will go, but I want to look forward to the new year and always keep striving forward.

P.S. The book I wrote was a book for my parents' 50th birthday. Not a novel, but hey, I think it counts!

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