Sunday, September 6, 2015

Jumping on the wagon

Part of my getting healthy/happy plan has had to involve what I shove in my mouth. Several months (who am I kidding, years) of not being completely conscious of what I consume has led to a weight I am not particularly happy with, and a slue of conditions - developed acne in college and recently had a pretty severe rash. The "bandwagon" of food intolerances is often perceived as just that. And frequently the individuals labeling themselves as "something-free" (e.g. gluten, dairy, meat) are looked down upon and mocked. These are considered first-world problems. That may be the case. But probably because of the fact that the food "first-world" countries are consuming is not actually very nutritionally rich.

Regardless of that, one week ago I decided to cut out all dairy (goodbye pastries) and gluten (goodbye bread). I don't drink milk, but I am positive most of the cookies and sweets I was consuming were full of it. And the amount of bread I was eating was certainly excessive. After a rather severe breakout, I opted to cut all of that - and sugar - from my diet. That, and I started doing Ballet Beautiful for 30 minutes a day. The Balanced app really helped keeping me in check!

Results: Acne has subsided (I have also been putting Manuka honey on it), I have lost some weight, my rash has basically disappeared, and I feel better than I have in a LONG time.

Verdict: I'm definitely going to remove ALL dairy from my life. I'm going to leave out gluten products (looking for the best GF bread for substitute), and I have even started drinking my espressos without sugar. Sugar be damned!

The above loaf was GF, DF, and sugar free (though it was sweetened with applesauce and a bit of maple syrup). I got the recipe from Deliciously Ella. I'll be cooking more from now on.

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